lets first look and study carefully the reproductive part of the plant- FLOWER. there are two types of flower - unisexual (which contains either stamen or pistil) and bisexual (which contains both stamen and pistil)
1. Sepals:
they are the green leaf-like structure present in the flower. their main function is to protect the the bud from the adverse environment condition as bud is sensitive.
2. Petals:
they are the colorful and soft part of the plant (mainly the reason why half the plants break before they reproduce by kids) they are colorful so as to attract the bees, butterfly etc. so that they could help them in pollination.
3. stamen:
it is the male reproductive part of the flower. it consists of anther and filament. filament are long tube like structure and anther is present on the tip of the filament. anther contains pollen grain. pollen grains are yellowish in colour.
4. Carpel/ Pistil
it is the female reproductive part of the flower. It contains stigma, style and ovary. Stigma is the one which recieves the pollen grain and is present in the tip of style. style is long tube like structure which helps in transportation of male gametes. and ovary is the bottom and large structure where female gamete is present.
the transfer of pollen grains from the anther to stigma is called pollination.
pollination are if two types-self pollination and cross pollination. the transfer of pollen grains from anther to stigma of same flower or any other flower of same plant is called self pollination. when there is transfer of pollen grains from anther to stigma of any other flower of same species remember same species but not the same plant it is called cross pollination.
as discussed earlier fertilization is the process of fusion between male and female gamete to form zygote. now let's step by stem consider the sexual fertilization in plant. at first the pollen grains falls on the stigma, absorbs water and nutients anf produces a pollen tube which passes through style, ovary and finally reach ovules. it carries male gamete over to the female gamete which is present in the embroyonal sac which is in the ovule where male and female gamete fuses and you know what comes after this right?
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