Wednesday 4 March 2015


   1. Sexual reproduction involves two parents namely male and female.
    2. There is involvement of two gametes, i.e., male gamete (sperm) and female gamete (ovum).

3.   3.The offspring produced are not identical to their parent. As sexual reproduction is a source of variation due to involvement of two different organisms (variation is the tendency of an organism to differ from other)


   1. As we already know that male gamete (sperm) and female gamete (ovum ) are involved in sexual reproduction so in their respective bodies the gametes undergo mieosis. mieosis is a process in which the the chromosomes are halved as compared to the other cells. so we can conclude that sperms and ovum have half the no. of chromosomes as compared to other cells and hence are called haploid cells. 
2  2. the male gamete is motile,i.e., it can move freely while female gamete is large and stores food.
    3. when the male and female gamete fuse together they form zygote (future baby) this process is called fertilization. 
   4. zygote undergoes mitosis. mitosis is a process in which the there are complete no. of chromosomes. (complete opposite of mieosis ,a 't' can do wonders in your biology paper xD) and hence is called diploid cells. now think about it if there were no mieosis then the chromosome in zygote would be double of the parents and boom the baby might turn into hulk ! but half from male and half from female gamete controls it all. and hence the DNA (Deoxyribo Nuclic Acid) content of the zygote equals the parents.


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